Members Access to Course List
Members Access to Course List
Enrol here

We are nearing the end of the term now.

The new newsletter is available, also our new program for Term 2.

I suggest you peruse the program and choose something which interests you. You can enrol here on the website as well.

If you are not already a member you can join here as well - it is inoirtant to have registered as a member before enrolling in a course

When enrolling on line it is important to note two things

First, when indicating the classes you wish to attend you MUST also check the box for no session in the other class time slots. For example, if you wish to attend a class in session 1 on the Monday, then class 3, but you don't want to do anything in the middle. You must check the box for no class in the time slot(s) you are not coming to a class..

Secondly, you must then scroll down the page to the "submit" button and click that. You will then get confirmation of your enrolment.

If you don't do the "submit" then the enrolment will not have gone through.

Enough technical stuff.

Right now I have a dog lying at my feet waiting for her evening meal.....15 minutes to wait! Honestly, this dog has such an affinity with food, it is the centre of her world!

Next week we have our final morning tea for members to enjoy. This is always special. It is our opportunity to say thank you to all those who keep us going, especially the Tutors...more on that next week.

I am looking forward to our three week break, I am also looking forward to greeting members back in Term 2.

I am keen to greet new members as well, I think there is something for everyone on the program, whether you want to get physical, enjoy a singalong, learn a language or increase your General Knowledge.


























































































































































































































































































My picture this week......"it isn't Tasmanian" you say.

"It is" I say

It was taken in my kitchen and it is a lemon I was given - it was grown here in Tassie - it was huge as you can see and it yielded half a cup of juice. I was impressed!

I seem to be running late this week, everything is a day or two behind my usual schedule - why? I have absolutely no idea, I wish I did!

Perhaps it is just that I am moving a little more slowly than usual due to the wet weather? You know, our old friend "Arthur" has paid me a visit. ("Arthur" = Arthritis).

it has been a full week as usual. On Wednesday Ann Frith and I went to the Clarence Council reception for representatives of volunteer organisations. It was held at the Tasmania Golf Club and there were about 100 people there, representing some 50 organisations. The guest speaker was a 12 year old boy who, at the age of nine asked his mother (on Christmas Eve) if they could take gifts to the children in hospital. His mother suggested that it would be a huge task considering the day it was and the fact that they had only just finished shopping for the family. He then told us he has eight siblings.

He then asked his mother how many days there are in a year and so began Project 365. He decided to learn to sew and, using his own money he purchased materials and began sewing toys - one a day for the whole year! The project has continued and he has just turned 12. To date he has made over 500 teddies and similar toys and over 500 other types of toy. He had three different teddies with him as examples and he told us various stories about the distribution of his toys. He also puts together bags for babies "born too soon" as he said. By my reckoning (as he told us his birthday is in March) he has done this in about two and a half years.

What an amazing and inspirational boy. I take my hat off to him.

Our Newsletter will be on the site within the next few days. I have had a sneak preview of the courses on offer and I am impressed. As always there is quite a mix for us to choose from.

The visits to Government House are going smoothly and I think people are really enjoying them. We also had an offer made to members before it went out to the public to take advantage of. It was nice that the organisers at Government House thought of us that way. The offer was to attend a charity black tie event. The cost is a donation of $80 which is going to charity. I sent it out to all members for whom I have an email address, I wonder if it was taken up by anyone?

Planning is under way for our annual Trivia afternoon in July. That is always fun and for $10 members get a good afternoon tea, the chance to win a prize and a lot of fun. These afternoons are enjoyed by all, they are not serious at all and the quiz masters always love what they are doing. I do feel I can now call it our "annual" event as this is the third year we have run it.

Here are my best wishes to you all for the rest of this week. I hope to manage my time a little better next week and be writing on Wednesday again.


another week gone! Time to write another screed for anyone who may stumble into this site.

I have had a bit of feedback over this last week regarding the overall running of U3A and most people seem happy with what is going on. I know that often silence is golden in that if people are not saying anything they must be happy, I also know one should let sleeping dogs lie, but I have a need to know if the needs of others are being met properly - it is the nurse in me I think. I am also aware that many times people will not "go to Management" with an issue, they prefer to mutter about it to one another.  Still, the general feeling that comes through is one of satisfaction with the way things are going.

Our social calendar is looking good with visits to Government House organised and our annual Quiz afternoon into the planning stages. This is planned for 14th July so come along singing the French National Anthem! We are keeping the cost at $10 per person which covers the cost of hiring the venue as well as prizes and afternoon tea. I think it is really good value. Our Quiz Masters love doing the job which makes it easy and we usually have a lot of fun. Do think about coming along, the notice with the fine details is on the notice board.

I have been forwarded information about the upcoming census - see below


Tuesday August 9 is Census night. The Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is now looking to employ up to 800 enthusiastic Field Officers from across Tasmania to make sure everyone gets counted this Census.

If you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding job, with flexible working hours, then look no further.

Census Field Officers:
· Are casual positions, with flexible working hours
· Earn $21.61 per hour (inclusive of 25% loading)
· Must be comfortable using a computer, mobile or tablet device
· Will be responsible for making contact with households to make sure everyone can complete the Census.

Desired skills and experience for the role:
· High levels of motivation, a positive attitude and reliability.
· Well-developed communication and interpersonal skills.
· Reasonable level of fitness.
· Ability to work independently in the field.
· Moderately tech savvy.

Job seekers from diverse backgrounds, including non-English speaking backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, are encouraged to apply.

Digital Banners

(See attached file: 590 w x 144 h Field Officer Recruitment Banner 2.png)(See attached file: 300 w x 250 h Field Officer Recruitment Tile 2.png)

Apply online now for Census 2016 jobs, at

I am often thinking about "stuff" and lately that has been about the next President and the qualities they'll need to bring to the role.

As you are probably aware, members of the generation known as the Baby Boomers are beginning to retire. This generation, unlike their forebears did not live through war, rationing, depression and other things like that.

They held a very different attitude to women, especially in the workforce. Also women were freed from not being able to plan their families because of the innovation of the contraceptive pill. Thus they were more able to work and add to the family income. This all led to consumer demands going higher, expectations of needs being met sooner, desire for more consumer products, demand for better and more consistent service. As the media changed they changed with it and embraced the technology as it developed.

This is the generation which will form the future of U3A so the management, represented and led by the President, needs to be in tune with the needs of the Baby Boomer. We need to continue moving forward, not be looking back at what was, not holding the attitude that what was good enough for the previous generation will be good enough for the next. Someone has said to me that the Boomers will expect it all on line and not be physically going to U3A but I disagree, so many people come along for the social aspects of our organisation and for the activities which cannot be achieved on line. Maybe the more "academic" areas will go to online only but there will always be a need for an actual U3A as well as a digital one.

My ramblings for the week!


Isn't this photo of a small part of our beautiful state just stunning? I love it.

As I am writing this we have had some rain! I actually nearly had to look it up to find out what the wet stuff was and how to spell the word rain! So welcome, but it is now clear sky again......

I find myself worrying about all sorts of things! This week is no exception.

How to do everything I want to do for you all? Our lovely Vice President/Social Secretary, Ann, has found herself unable to continue in these roles. Ann has a lot happening in her "not U3A" life and she needs to devote her energies to those matters. It is a shame for us, we are the losers, but I do understand and I hope Ann will get support from her U3A friends. I want to thank her for the work she has already done in arranging the Government House tours and such, as well as the contributions she had made to Committee.

Others on the Committee will assist in continuing to ensure the tours continue. I will also rely on all of you to help with arranging things like our Christmas Lunch. I'll put out the call closer to the time.

I mentioned last week about the need to have your say about U3A and whether or not it meets your needs. The suggestion box is the place for this at present. Someone has been working on developing an actual survey. Once that has been fine tuned and approved by Committee we will distribute it by one means or another. Please think seriously about completing it and returning it.

I am still putting calls out for potential Presidents! I cannot believe that we have a membership of around 350 people and not one of them is willing and able to do the job. Not one?? Come on, who do you think you are fooling?

On our notice board is a poster regarding an upcoming Shared Space performance at Rosny College. I also emailed the information to those I have addresses for. Please think about supporting this venture.

Cheers all,  Jane



here I am again. This week I have chosen wild life! Is it or isn't it? Extinct I mean. What do you think?

Last week I mentioned the need for assistance with the setting up of the rooms we use each morning. Well, on Monday a few extras turned up and it was great. We got the setting up done in no time and our "seniors" were able to show the ropes and finish up not looking like they'd exercised for two hours. These same people will be regulars on Mondays from now on.

Then came Wednesday! Nobody "new" arrived, not a soul! Come on Wednesday people....come along and help. It is really not a huge job when spread over a few people and you will be most welcome.

We are making our way through the term and all seems generally smooth. I am pleased with the way our whole flows so well and people make their way from class to class easily. This week we even had a Grandchild or two coming along, that was good to see and I hope they had a good time in classes and at morning tea.

One thing that has been brought to my attention is the fact that some people "fiddle" with the air conditioning in the rooms when they really don't know what does what. One instance I was told about was an attempt to increase the heat in the room, in fact the complaint I had at the end of the session was that the opposite had been achieved and the complainants were cold.

It makes sense to me to ask the Tutor to adjust it, and if they don't know how they can get someone who does. That way we know that at least it is being adjusted in the correct direction.

This year we have begun posting the minutes of committee meetings for anyone interested. They are to be found on the notice board. Believe me, they don't make for riveting reading.....and, you are always welcome to come and observe - again, not a stimulating hour's entertainment. We really do cover mundane matters regarding the day to day running of U3A.

Now, without getting too excited I'd like to ask you for any suggestions/opinions you may have regarding U3A. Examples would be what do you enjoy most? What is your least favourite aspect? What sort of direction do you think U3A should be headed in? What are our strengths and weaknesses?

Any responses can go into the suggestion box.......I look forward to some light reading.



Here I am again, I love Tasmania so much. Anyone who has ever travelled must agree that Tassie has a lot to offer in terms of scenery, wilderness, exploring, fine cuisine, wild life and man made attractions.

I plan to try and offer a photograph depicting some aspect of this state each week, that way we can all get to know our home together.

I know I won't always know where the photo was taken but I don't think that detracts from the picture itself, do you?

Today's is titled Highland Storm.........maybe by publishing this picture we may stimulate interest in the powers that be and they may decide to bless us with the storm(s) we so desperately need. Worth hoping for anyway.

I have so many things going through my mind at present - in relation to U3A I mean. I cannot possibly convey all my messages in one week so I think I'll try to touch on one important theme at a time.

Every Monday and Wednesday in Term times a small group of U3A members gather outside the Rosny LINC at about 8.30am.

At around 8.40am the doors are opened to admit those few people. They are rapidly closed and locked again.

These people then transform the rooms U3A use ready for the classes to begin and for morning tea to be served.

Chairs are put out, computers set up, any other equipment required by a tutor is put out. Lecterns are placed in the rooms.

All is checked to ensure it is working and ready for the Tutors.

Tables and chairs are put out in room 6 (the "morning tea" room). cups, spoons, tea, coffee, sugar and milk are readied on the tables. The urns are filled and put out, plugged in and boiled ready.

Notice boards are updated and hung up. Administration type stuff is laid out (name tags, folders, information for new members, newsletters..........


This small group of people make up the "set-up crew" and without them you would be having to get the rooms organised yourself.

Our set-up crew is shrinking due to ill health, holidays and such like. We need more people to come along on a regular basis and provide assistance. Maybe you can only do one of the two days - DO IT. We can make a full crew up from people who can only do one day, not two but who are willing to commit to that day regularly. (Bearing in mind that allowance is always made for a holiday!!). Coupled with that is the need for three people to help with getting the washing up done after morning tea on Wednesdays, again on a regular basis.

We pride ourselves on being a co-operative group which functions well thanks to our volunteers. All our Tutors are volunteers as are the Committee of Management. Even our Auditor operates on a bottle of wine as payment for his expertise every year.

I understand that not everyone can offer their services as a Tutor but surely everyone is capable of helping with setting up, after all it is for you.

Cheers all, may I be able to report a surplus of people waiting outside the library doors next week.



Here we are, enjoying a week's break for Easter.  I continue thinking about everyone and everything though and I write and rewrite my message to you in my head until I think it is ready to post.

Yesterday a few of us attended Rod Downie's Memorial service. It was interesting to hear from one of his daughters and one of his sons-in-law, gaining a perspective on their family life. Rod had given instructions about his memorial service, had chosen the readings and the music and had ensured his offspring knew exactly how things were to be presented. "Very Rod" I thought to myself!

I was excited to discover a way to keep emailing you all and the way it has been set up means that the next President can just take it over - always assuming that he or she will want to keep the mass communication going. Please remember that there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email. I entered all addresses I have been sending to, along with the new members who have given their email address just on the off chance that you would want to keep getting the messages. I note that a couple of people have taken their names off and a few have their security settings configured so that my emails don't get past their server. I presume because they can be interpreted as spam because of the program sending them.

Rest assured that your addresses are safe with me and that they will not be passed on to anyone else not associated with U3A - ever.

If it hasn't already happened I know our web site developer was planning to add a "button" in this web site for you to opt into my mass email list. Ultimately, as people join/register they will be asked if they want to receive the weekly email (along with the question already asked about getting the newsletter in electronic form).

There is not a lot going on at the moment to write about...however I will endeavour to give you a brief rundown of the result of our Committee meeting last week.

We did pass a motion that our minutes would be published to the notice board - that leaves it open for me to give a little bit of a taster for you.

Mind you, there is absolutely nothing earth shattering in there and I am sure you won't be watching keenly for each report in the future.

We did allocate areas of responsibility to each committee member. This happens at the beginning of each year. Every member has a responsibility or "job" and this way the work of the Committee is spread. I like to leave the members to do the "job" as they see fit. There is a report back at each meeting so that we all know what is happening. Occasionally there is discussion on things and the advice of the committee is given if sought.

Our committee is made up of the following people, with the accompanying responsibilities. If you have queries relating to something you should approach the appropriate member.

Ann Frith - Vice President, "Social Secretary"

Sue Storr = Secretary

Terry Mahoney - Treasurer and Equipment Manager

Fran Hall - Follows up on members who are ill or undergoing surgery. Sends a condolence message to families of members who have passed away. Ensures Tutors get a "thank you" at the end of a course.

Chris Bishop - assist with arranging social events. Will assist other members if needed.

Carol Rossendell - program planning, assist with web site menagement

Pat Jeffery - enrolments and web site management

Joan Carr - compilation of the newsletter every term. Manage morning tea (assisted by Esma Woolley), including set up, managing supplies, serving of morning tea and clean-up.

Patricia Corby - maintaining our contact and sharing  with Statewide U3A's (including Launceston School for Seniors which operates more like a U3A). Assist with Program planning.

And then there is me! Don't ask..........I just paddle furiously under the water. I am still working out what it is I actually do. I mean, everyone is so good at what they do. I'll have this job sussed by the end of November this year, I think. I do enjoy it, I just find it is time consuming, whatever it is.

Cheers all....see you next week


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Hello everyone

Quote of the week:  "Instant gratification takes too long" - Carrie Fisher

So true, just look around and you’ll see people who are in a perpetual hurry and who can’t bear not being the first In line.

They rush past you on the road – during morning “peak” hour I often marvel at how many people are in a hurry to get to work!

This is a short bulletin. It is week 2 so no real hiccups have occurred as yet.

I must remind you that there will be no classes NEXT week (28th March – 3rd April) due to Easter.

Good Friday falls at the end of this week. Easter is very early this year....only one or two “U3A days” before we are already taking a short holiday!

Please remember to support Chris and Helen Watts who are participating in the big shave (of heads) to raise money for Leukaemia research.

All contributions will be accepted most gratefully.

We have a committee meeting on Monday, if ever I tell you about an upcoming meeting of the C.O.M. and you have an issue, please let me know. If necessary it can be added to our agenda.


[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="gems" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left" use_border_color="off" border_color="#ffffff" border_style="solid"]

The following was sent to me by Patricia Corby and contains links to various articles of interest.


Cognitive Fitness GEMs
Exercise GEMs
Diet GEMs
Republished Peer-reviewed GEMs
Information GEMs
Fun GEMs
Technical GEMs


Your choices: Your quality-of-life. Links to brief, readable research summaries, published in the last 30 days, that may help to improve your quality-of-life (NB If you read only the first and last paragraphs of each research report you'll normally get the key take-away message.)

** Paleo diet is dangerous, increases weight gain, diabetes expert warns

** Popular diet myths debunked

* The seven heart disease risk factors you can control, including one nearly all of us struggle with
**Cognitive Fitness GEMs
This is your brain on exercise


 **Exercise GEMS

o Physical activity reduces risk of serious falls in older men

o Moving around more linked to longer life


 **Diet GEMS

o ** Paleo diet is dangerous, increases weight gain, diabetes expert warns

o Little diet pain, big health gain

o Cholesterol levels improve with weight loss, healthy fat-rich diet

o Compound in green tea found to block rheumatoid arthritis


 ** Republished this month, not peer-reviewed

o Do you know your numbers? 30 minutes of exercise five out of seven days a week can reduce heart attack risk

o Sugar tax could prevent 3.7 million cases of obesity over next decade



o ** Paleo diet is dangerous, increases weight gain, diabetes expert warns

o ** Popular diet myths debunked

o * The seven heart disease risk factors you can control, including one nearly all of us struggle with

o Explainer: what is the gut microbiota and how does it affect mind and body? (Thanks Phil McBride Australia)

o What are tracking cookies and should they concern me? (Includes "Cookies 101" and Advertising 101). (Thanks Ask Leo)



o Bet The Eagles wish they could perform Hotel California like this Cuban a cappella group (Thanks Viv Atkins, New Zealand)

Sigh! What's a poor talentless busker gotta do to attract the attention of bystanders waiting at a London train station? (Thanks Viv Atkins, New Zealand)

Er! I don't like to complain but there's a waiter in my soup (Thanks Maggie Magafakis, Australia)

Dicing with death: Gibbon taunts tigers (Thanks Eileen Snead, Australia)

Ah! The gentle thrust of the rapier versus the broad axe (Thanks Dawn Baker, Australia)

