U3A Clarence Inc.
Benefits of U3A Clarence membership
You must be a current member of U3A Clarence to participate in all our classes and social activities. Once a member you may access as many classes as you would like, provided class times do not conflict - there are no further class costs except for materials (where relevant).
Please note that some social activities may incur an additional cost, for example, for bus trips, lunch provided, etc..
Membership is for a calendar year (1 January to 31 December).
Our annual fee is currently $50.00 per person.
You can pay your membership fees online by credit card or direct deposit to the U3A Clarence bank account. Payment by credit or debit card should mean that enrolment will be quickly and automatically acknowledged by email.
U3A Clarence is run entirely by its member committee who are volunteers elected each January by members of the organisation. Payment by credit or debit card would help us to run the system more efficiently, and with less stress for us, particularly at the beginning of the year and at the beginning of each term when class enrolments take place, and when new people may wish to join us.
We will appreciate it if you feel able to pay by card, however, we know that not everyone uses the internet or has a credit/ debit card, so we are retaining the option of bank transfer for membership payment.
Direct Deposit
Online payment by direct Transfer can be made using the following information if you prefer to use this payment method.
Account Name | University of the Third Age Clarence Inc |
BSB | 067-103 |
Account Number | 10059047 |
Reference (essential) | Your first and last name |
Goodbye UMAS…Hello Member Wizard
Accessing the Member Portal
As you are by now probably aware, we have moved to a new membership and enrolment system called Member Wizard.
Member Wizard will allow you to do much the same as UMAS did but adds a few extras and makes administration a lot easier.
You will be able to:
You Need to Register a Password
All your membership details have been transferred from UMAS to Member Wizard, except for your passwords. Passwords are encrypted and known only to you. This means that you will have to register a password with Member Wizard. You will only have to do this once. The password can be your existing U3A password.
WELL DONE! You are now registered!
Once registered as a member on Member Wizard, you will receive an invoice for membership subscription by email. There is a blue link for debit/credit card payments to click on the invoice . On payment you will receive an automated receipt through your email. Alternatively, {before March 2025} scroll up to the “renewing member” tab and follow the instructions for your 2025 payment.
Classes will be available for enrolling in Mid January, so make sure you are a registered and paid up member by then.
For anyone having difficulties there will be a help desk available at Rosny Library between 10:00 and 12:00 on December 9 and 11 next. Bring your own laptop or tablet if you have one.
New members please click the New Member button below.
After completing your contact details you will be taken to a page where you can pay by either direct deposit or online using your credit/debit card.
If you are a current member or have been a member at any time in the past and wish to renew your membership for the current year click the Renew Membership button below.
You will be sent a membership renewal invoice to your registered email address. If you receive a message saying your email address could not be found you will need to re-register via the New Member button above.
© 2025 All rights reserved. Powered by Member Wizard