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I had Red Delicious apple
with which my teeth were forced to grapple.
Picked early, it was tough,
Made my temper very rough,
Because, then, I felt my teeth might snapple.

Apple - Vengeance

The perfection of Eden,
Defied the prospect of leavin'.

So the apple and Eve,
Is hard to believe.

Also, the apple of Adam,
Seems more like a madman.

The snake and this pair,
Make a peculiar affair.

And God as in Genesis,
Acted much like their nemesis.

I'd prefer to be an apple
Than a porky porcupine,
So I wouldn't be so pestered
By some porky valentine.

By just being a big red apple,
I'd accomodate some warm and happy bug.
Who'd deter all these who'd eat me
With a sharp decisive - "Ugh!"

In a symbiotic friendship
He'd snuggle up inside, my buggy valentine
And be my good protector
Until the end of time.

Clarence City Council
We'd like to thank Clarence City Council for their support via a Community Support Grant.