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We run courses on a wide range of topics

Welcome to U3A Clarence

Come along, get involved and meet other like minded people.

Seniors that enjoy a full social calendar typically have

Lowered stress levels. This results in an improved cardiovascular health and immune system. Longer lifespan. A full social schedule has been shown to increase longevity. Better physical fitness. Older adults that are involved in social events tend to be more active and participate in more physical activities. Reduced risk of depression. ... Higher self-esteem. ...

Who we are

The University of the Third Age Clarence (U3A Clarence) has been providing quality courses and activities for the residents of Clarence for over 25 Years.
The original concept of U3A was to extend the intellectual learning life of older individuals. U3A Clarence does this and more with a varied program of lectures and other activities.
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What we do

We get together to exercise our minds and bodies at entirely our own pace, with other co-operative and mutually supportive members. Our varied activities include lectures and discussion groups on geography, science, history, art, music and issues of topical interest. For our physical wellbeing we have Tai Chi, yoga, zumba and line dancing. During the year we organise social activities such as a trivia, visits to places of interest and group bus trips. We also have regular morning tea sessions to connect with other members.
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Who should join

We welcome all retired and semi-retired members. Our members include people from their 50's to their 90's, all still enjoy interesting activities with like-minded people in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Unlike regular universities, there are no exams and no previous knowledge of the subject matter is required. All are welcome regardless of educational level, past occupations, and backgrounds.
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Where we meet

The Rosny Library is our meeting place. It is well appointed, warm and convenient. We are run entirely by a committee of volunteer members which is why we can keep our annual subscription to $50 to cover essentials. Subscription and enrolment forms are available on other pages of this website.
Inspect our current program where there will be something of interest for both current members and newcomers.
New members will receive a warm welcome. You may choose to attend the sessions you are interested in for a two session trial.
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
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Get Involved

Join us! Make new friends, expand your knowledge and learn new skills.
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