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How wonderful it is to hear rain after a drought.  The early February rains this year were very welcome, refreshing my just about dead garden and useful for dowsing the Huon fires, a little late but still very well received.

In December 2016 we purchased a new fancy up-to-the-minute sit on mower for our 5 acres.  The old one was no longer repairable.  It did not owe us anything, we had had it for over 45 years and it was second hand when we bought it.  The new one has a timer to tell you how many hours it has been used and after 10 hours you should return it to the supplier for a free service.  After 19 months it had been used for just over 4 hours because it had been so dry and no grass grew.  In the next two months we used it for another 7 hours because of the spring rains that arrived just in time to destroy the tomato plants I had just put in. Such is life!

Recent widespread drought made life unbelievably hard for rural farmers (putting my moans to shame) and in part led to the devastating fish loss on the Darling.  However the recent record floods have caused havoc, much stock loss and people facing the destruction of their possessions and having to clean out muddy homes.  So as humans and Australians we have conflicting views of the joy of the welcome essential rain and the awe of the devastation of too much too quickly.

Rain can be enjoyed though. In wetter places in the world there is always a line of different sized wellington boots at the door and rain gear and umbrellas’ waiting in the hallway; well protected walking in the rain can be quite entrancing.  I am sure dog owners often secretly like walking their dogs in the rain as long as they get out of the way when the dog shakes itself on returning home.

We are all fascinated by water, as children puddles are irresistible.  In the heat of summer the hose or fountains or a pool attract us.  Very often we are fascinated by a good strong downpour providing we are inside looking out.  I have friends who enjoy rainy days because it gives them the opportunity to do lots of baking.  I enjoy them because it is a good excuse to snuggle up with a good book

My most memorable rain memory is driving home down Acton Road in the pouring rain with thousands of tiny new frogs hopping across the road it was impossible to miss them all.  I still would not believe it could have happened but my husband was with me and he also remembers it.

Behind every cloud there is a silver lining we are told.  Does this means that behind every silver lining there is a thunderous dark cloud waiting to dump on us?  If so we should make sure we have our umbrella close at hand even on the most supreme sunny days, just in case.

We have beautiful bad weather here at present –rain, wind thunder- but with splendid effects; that’s why I like it.

Vincent Van Gough

I hope we all have splendid rainy weather but not until we are inside Rosny Library!

Jocelyn Head

Clarence City Council
We'd like to thank Clarence City Council for their support via a Community Support Grant.