Members Access to Course List
Members Access to Course List
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Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you cannot laugh at yourself call me, I‘ll laugh at you. (Victor Borge) (if you can remember him you are old enough for U3A)

Let’s get serious. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

Young children often find humour in the unusual (think of peek-a-boo for babies) and find many unusual and surprising things to laugh at. Adults do the same but the older we get the less likely we are to find everyday things unusual. That is one of the reason we like to be with babies, toddlers and young children. Their laughter is infectious and often about things we find mundane, they wake us up to the usual and unsurprising unusual. I think the most wonderful noise in the world is the first laughter of babies. It shows that they are human instead of just a bundle with one entry and one exit.

Laughter is the shortest distance between people.

I was wandering around the Modern Art Museum in Washington DC (showing off here). I am not fond of modern art but in a very long avenue I think it was the nearest museum. Some of it was interesting and some very puzzling however some of it was decidedly sick. After getting lost and looking for the exit I was distracted by a showcase full of a jumble of metal objects in some sort of arrangements. I stood for a while wondering what was the point. Looking up I noticed a man who had been doing the same. We looked at each other and jut burst into laughter. So reassuring to know we were sane, it was the others who were mad.

Laughter truly does link people. All over the world strangers meet people on their travels and some incident makes them both laugh regardless of language. Because I love small children this often happens in their vicinity, parents, grandparents and other strangers share the laughter. It gives me such a boost.

At times when I am very angry or moaning a lot, a particular friend makes me mad because she makes me laugh at myself. It is very annoying to laugh when I don’t want to.

Now for some fun

If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence it’s probably artificial.

Don’t grow up. It’s a trap

They say nothing is impossible but I can do nothing all day.

Diets are hard because I get hungry.

People say everything happens for a reason. So when I punch you in the face remember I have a reason.

Please have a laughter filled life.



Tour of the Supreme Court

Sunday 28th October 2018 9.30 to 12 noon

We quickly filled up the available spaces for this tour.

We will meet in the entry Foyer of the Civil Court Building. The building will be open from 9.30am and the tour will start at 10.00am. Please wear your name tags.

If there are any members who were unable to attend this tour, the Australian Institute of Architects will run three tours on Saturday November 10th at 9.30am, 11.30am and 1.30pm. The Judges participating with Peter will be Chief Justice Alan Blow, Justice Stephen Estcourt and Justice Greg Geason.  The tours are a part of 'Open House Weekend'; the program launch will be on Thursday 11th October when details of how to register will be made available. In the meantime information about the program, which will involve many interesting buildings around Hobart, is/will be available online at ''.

Lanyards and name tags

If you need a replacement lanyard and membership name tag at any time please give Secretary Sue Storr (or me) an envelope with your name and the word Lanyard and $5.

Please wear your name tag. Should you have an accident and be unable to talk those around you know who you are. It is advisable to put emergency contact details on the back of your name tag. Also the wearing of name tags help the library staff keeps track of any unauthorised early entry to the library. For chronic name forgetters like me it helps me to have a quick peek so that I am not atrociously impolite without meaning to be (this reminds me of the old saying “An English gentleman is never impolite except on purpose”)

Christmas luncheon

Our Christmas luncheon will be held on Monday 26th November at the Howrah Recreational Centre. There will be lucky door prizes and entertainment plus our annual fundraising raffle. Donations for prizes will be gratefully received. Please give them to me or any other committee member in room 6 at morning tea in early November.

Our caterers will be Anne Milburn as usual so we are guaranteed a good and varied feast. Because Anne provides a buffet the dietary requirement of most of us will be met. There will be an opportunity to record dietary requirement on the list on the notice Board in room 6 later in the month or early November. Both the caterer’s and the venue have increased their fees this year so the cost of the luncheon will be $40. We will subsidise any cost above this amount. Please put your $40 in an envelope with your name and the words Christmas luncheon on the outside and give it to me or any other committee member or place it in the box provided


We need more of the stacking mugs we use for morning tea. They are not so pretty but make a big difference to storage space. They are unavailable in the shops these days. Should you have one or more lingering in at the back of your cupboards we would appreciate it if you donated it to U3A

AGM on Wednesday 20 February. More details later.

Clarence City Council
We'd like to thank Clarence City Council for their support via a Community Support Grant.