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Recognition of Tutors




U3A Clarence Inc is a cooperative learning community for retired and semi-retired people, run by volunteers on a non-profit basis. It offers a wide range of courses, presented by members and other volunteers who take on the role of class Tutor, sharing their knowledge and expertise. These Tutors are the lifeblood of the organisation.


This policy recognises that the preparation and delivery of quality courses requires significant investment of time, effort and skill by each Tutor, and therefore U3A Clarence Inc aims to

1. ensure that all Tutors

  • know their work is recognised
  • feel valued for their contribution
  • feel appreciated by the membership and by the Committee of Management
  • continue to offer courses, and
  • have an appropriate level of support from the Committee of Management and from their Class Representative

2. provide all classes with the opportunity to express their gratitude to the Tutors for the courses they have delivered.


Each term U3A Clarence Inc will ensure, through the Class Representatives for each course, that every Tutor is recognised appropriately, and in a consistent manner across courses, for the significant contributions they have made.

In recognition of the U3A ethos of cooperative learning, the form of recognition will not include monetary rewards. Gifts will comprise U3A merchandise.

This does not preclude individual classes making additional arrangements to present other tokens of appreciation to their Tutors.

This document sets out below the responsibilities and procedures for implementation of this policy.


The Committee of Management of U3A Clarence Inc is responsible for

  • establishing, implementing, publishing, monitoring and reviewing this policy and the associated implementation procedure
  • ensuring suitable merchandise is available for presentation to Tutors
  • supporting the President, the Program Coordinator, the Pastoral Care person and Class Representatives as required, in the implementation of the Tutor Recognition Procedure outlined below, to ensure successful and consistent application of this Tutor Recognition Policy.


Step 1

At the beginning or each term the Program Coordinator reminds all Tutors that a Class Representative is to be nominated. Each January the President outlines the importance of the role of the Class Representative in the U3A Clarence Newsletter.

Step 2

Each Tutor seeks a volunteer for the Class Representative role in Week 1 of the term, as per the Tutor Notes. For classes with new Tutors, a member of the Committee of Management (CoM) assists with introduction of the Tutor to the class and with the identification of a Class Representative.

Step 3

By Week 2 of the term, as the officer responsible for liaison with Class Representatives, the Pastoral Care person prepares a list of all Tutors and their classes, with space for the inclusion of the names of Class Representatives for each class.

Step 4

By Week 3 of the term the Pastoral Care person contacts each Tutor to obtain the name of their Class Representative and adds those names to the list of Tutors.

If any classes do not have a Class Representative identified, the Pastoral Care person follows up to encourage a volunteer for the role.

A copy of the term program, with the names and contact details of all Tutors and Class Representatives identified, is placed in the Store Room.

The CoM takes responsibility for the recognition activity at the end of the term in those classes that do not have a Class Representative listed.

Step 5

The Pastoral Care person reminds all Class Representatives to collect a thank you card and a recognition gift for the class Tutor, and alerts the CoM to any classes that are not covered so that assistance is provided. This is done in Week 4 for five-week courses and in Week 8 for ten-week courses.

At the appropriate morning tea sessions the President reminds those present of this step.

Step 6

On the final day of a class, the Class Representative proposes a vote of thanks and presents the Tutor with an appropriate card and gift.

Step 7

At the end of each year the President writes a special message for inclusion in the Term 3 Newsletter, in which all Tutors and Class Representatives are thanked for their contributions.


The adoption of this policy and procedures document by the Committee of Management of U3A Clarence Inc was recorded in the minutes of the Committee’s meeting on 19 March 2018 and approved for publication on its website.

Policy Review Date: September 2020

Related Policies/Documents

U3A Clarence Inc’s: Strategic Plan

Tutor Notes and

Role Descriptions for Program Coordinator, Pastoral Care Person, Class Tutor and Class Representative